Jul 14, 2022Liked by Tom Basso

Hit 'em straight... don't leave those putts short and most important... enjoy the 19th hole afterwards. ETR

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Tom Basso

Thank you for your commentary Tom. I like your data driven observations. Where can I learn more about your trading concepts (like the All-Weather one)? I am trying to set up a methodical process to enjoy the ride also.

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The information is in a lot of places. There's free interviews to listen to on the enjoytheride.world website. There's videos and webinar recording there. And I'm working on a book right now to pull together a lot of it into a more concise summary of all the various things I do to make my ride smoother. Hope to have the book out by year-end or sooner.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Tom Basso

Thank you. I have seen some of them and the content is very good. I still struggle trying to pull it all together in a process so I think a concise summary would be very beneficial and I am really looking forward to reading your book. I want to be able to take the emotion out of this and follow a good process and enjoy the ride... Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You are helping a lot of people.

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What kind of returns does your backtest show on this diversified portfolio of 9 strategies?

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I haven't yet been able to back test all the strategies together in one package. I'm getting close to being able to test seven of the nine strategies together, but data availability on options and intraday data will prevent me from running the other two for a while. On the seven, runs seem to come in with a 20+% Average Compound Growth Rate with about a 20% maximum drawdown. Sortino Ratio is over 3.7, MAR is over 1.1. On those simulations, I haven't been able to yet work into the code one of the indicators I use in reality. I believe that it helps the process, but the indicator is not yet programmed into the platform. My expectations would be +15% per year on average with some years better and some worse. Drawdowns should stay under -20%. It's all up to the markets and their movements. As traders, we go along for the ride that the markets provide us, exploit the profit when it is available and protect against the risk when it shows up. In the meanwhile, we may as well enjoy the ride!

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